I know, I know. I haven't been here for awhile. But I am NOW ok!
A new lens - to be specific - Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II. Bought it at Dick Smith for $149 - I know you can get them cheaper online, but I had a gift card that needed using, so I got it there.
To make a short story shorter: I love it.
I posted this photo over at my other blog, but I am posting it again, as I can't stop looking at it.
I just happened to catch the last of the lovely sunset light that was around this arvo. The rest of these photos were taken in the dusk light, with ISO on 1600, and the rest however it happened to come out of the camera. This new lens is great in low light! I've done nothing at all to these photos - including the above - apart from a slight sharpening and resizing for web.
It was getting pretty late - 6pm - on one of the shorter days of the year, but this little lens handled it wonderfully, with little input from me.
I did some research before buying - around the net people were saying how inferior this lens is to the far more expensive f/1.4 lens. All I can say is it must be bloody BRILLIANT if it is so much better than this little lens. I am happy, and my wallet, while lighter by $100 (remembering I had a gift card! ;-) isn't broken hearted!
okay so I couldn't wait and I found my way over here...yes you can certainly notice the difference in the kit lens and your new 50mm lens. Best $150 spent and $149 is the norm (good price) for that lens around the place. Have fun with the indoor photography as you will notice the difference indoors.